Effective, even for those familiar with the technique
The narrator has a calm, soothing voice and a calm, soothing script, which gently leads one to relax, starting with the muscles in the feet, and ending with the muscles in the face, following by deeper, more relaxed breaths, and ending with a series of imaginings which lead one into a deeper state of relaxation. I was familiar with the techniques, apart from the imaginings, and had found them helpful in the past. I was surprised, to a degree I could not have anticipated, at how much more effective they were when listening to the narration. Of course, I cant promise everyone would have a similar experience, though I find it difficult to conceive how anyone could find it completely ineffective. Personally, this is my favorite app. Ive never grown tired of it. And the experience hasnt diminished over time.
Honest Discernment about
Relax with AJ, v6.1